You get to genuinely experience another culture, guided by friends in Rotary. Exchange participants take turns hosting and visiting one another, forging friendships that last a lifetime
Friendship Exchange participants travel as individuals, couples, families, or groups, and may include Rotary members and non-members. Prospective exchange teams communicate with one another in advance to decide on the purpose, format, timing, logistics, and duration of each visit
All exchanges are funded by the participants and their districts, and hosts are not expected to assume a significant financial burden. Visitors are rewarded with warm hospitality and an international travel experience unlike any other
An exchange can be the starting point for a long-term international relationship between clubs. Participants often use their new friendships as the basis for partnering on service projects that create lasting change
Exchanges also offer unique chances for cultural immersion and interchange. Some incorporate educational opportunities for professionals of any age to build global understanding and boost vocational and leadership skills. They can include cultural experiences, vocational activities, fellowship opportunities, and much more.
Interested in finding potential exchange partners? Contact a district Rotary Friendship Exchange chair, or take advantage of opportunities to connect with Rotarians from other parts of the world at the annual Rotary International Convention and other events.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Rotary Friendship Exchange Program provides a means through which Rotarians in one part of the world can experience life in another country or culture. Its goal is to advance international understanding and goodwill through person-to-person connections across national boundaries.
There are two types of Friendship Exchanges.
The first is the Visitor Program in which individual Rotarians, often accompanied by family members, spend a few days in a Rotarian home in another country.
The second is the Team Program in which Rotarians, often couples, typically ten to twelve in number, visit several communities in the host district for a period of time up to four weeks. The number of persons on the team and the length of stay are flexible; the districts involved agreeing on those details before the exchange occurs.
Rotarians and their immediate families are eligible to participate in the Visitor Program. Involvement is limited to Rotarians and their spouses in the Team Program. The Rotarian family member must participate in the exchange for spouses and children to be eligible.
In the Visitor Program, the length of stay is usually three to four days. However, the host club determines the nature of the exchange, the number of host families involved and the length of each stay.
As the Team Program operates on a district level, participants stay for a few days with each family for a total time of approximately four weeks. Both districts must agree upon the length of a Team exchange.
To become a participant or a Host in a particular exchange, please navigate to the "Contact Us" page on this website and complete the Enquiry form.
The relevant Country Expert will in turn contact you.
We normally try and keep the numbers limited to 10 – 12 participants. This can be made up of couples and/or singles.
Yes, However, you need to wait for the FEX Continent expert to confirm all arrangements before making any bookings.
Yes, you are ultimately responsible for obtaining your own travel insurance which should not be limited to medical emergencies but also included any unforeseen cancellations / postponements when travelling.
Yes. You will be required to obtain your own visas for the Exchange countries.
Besides your flight, insurance and visa costs we do try and keep the exchange cost to around R750 per day per person. This will include excursion costs but not spending monies or for meals while on excursions.
There is also a non-refundable deposit required of R500.
RFE Guest Questionnaire - this document needs to be completed by all visitors. Once completed, return it to the continent expert with a colour (head and shoulders) photo. These will be forwarded to the exchange coordinator of the inbound District, as this information is required to place you with the most suitable host.
You will need to provide a copy of all your flight details.
You will need to provide a clear, scanned copy of your passport (only the page indicating date issued, expiry date and passport number).